by Dream Weaver | Aug 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
A Good Visual Could Give YouV – Veracious A good visual could create a sense of trust which is well-connected in the design of a product and never deceived.It has to be honest and creates a sense of trust, which is one of the most valuable intangibles one can...
by Dream Weaver | Jul 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Why Videos Work V – Versatile Video production is a versatile marketing tool which is extremely shareable on social network. I – Impactful Incorporating videos into other marketing strategies could win the attention of target audience while boosting...
by Dream Weaver | Jun 27, 2020 | Life
加油 [ Keep Going! ] 万万没想到,这一句【加油】是上百年前就流传下来了,原由举人张瑛,他最为重视教育事业,每到午夜交更时分,他都会派差役挑着桐油篓巡城。 如果见哪户人家有人在挑灯夜读,便去帮他添一勺灯油,并且送上鼓励,那【加油】画面感十足有没有.. 没事儿不妨把【加油】放在嘴边多给身边的朋友们一些正能量与支持吧 谢谢您 [ Thank you ] “谢谢您,耐心把这十大给读完”, “谢谢您肯听我唠叨“,”谢谢您们的热心公益“.....